
Use Twitter for Affiliate Marketing

Want to begin your affiliate career but not yet have your own website? You have your own website but do not know how to drive free traffic? Don’t worry, you can start promoting affiliate program on twitter. It is much easier than you think. Now let me brief you with the basic knowledge of twitter.

What is it?

People can post up to 140 characters every tweet. Just like a micro size blog, people update their thoughts and ideas on it to share with friends and families. It's proven to be a huge hit, millions of people using twitter every day.

So why use it?

Twitter is extremely simple to use, you even don’t need a computer. Post can be sent by  SMS message, email or RSS feed. I am sure that won’t be a problem for you.

Twitter added the “nofollow” attribute to all links on Tweets near the end of 2008. It stops search engine bots from following the link. And prevents Twitter's high PageRank from being passed on or the link being counted towards your site. Even so, Twitter is still a great tool for affiliate marketing, for creating direct traffic to your site and updating your followers with new content. Of course you can make friend with new and interesting people as well.

Remember there is a lot more to SEO, and indeed to running an online business than just building links. 

Following & Being Followed

If you follow other people, you can get alerted each time they make an update. And at the same time, others can also follow you.Twitter is a great way of keeping in touch with other people and keeping a finger on the pulse within the market you are interested. It's important to follow people, this adds you to their followers page automatically, which in turn makes it easier for Google and other search engines to find your Twitter feed. Some people who have been Twittering since the early days of Twitter, and who have lots of followers, now have a very high page rank for their feed. It's probably better to make sure that you follow less people than you have followers, otherwise it gives the impression that no one is that interested in what you have to say!

Make a Twitter Post

To make a tweet could be more easier, just login to your account, go to the home page, type your message and click update. As you can see, this is meant to be as easy as possible to enable people to easily post numerous updates throughout the day if necessary.

Just like blogs, regular Twitter updates are critical for keeping followers and the search engines to be interested in your Twitter feed. When your twitter have enough followers, you can promote affiliate program by posting tweet on this subject or drive the traffic to your own website by updating your twitter. Now, get start!

Follow Qpid Affiliate Program: https://twitter.com/#!/QpidAffiliate


4 Secrets of a Successful Affiliate Marketer

1. Find a good domain name

 Domain registration is very easy but picking a suitable domain for your website that runs for your product should but more careful. Write down your plan and know how you will use the website and use your creative mind to find a different domain. Remember do not include brand terms or variations that are forbidden as against the Non-Compete policy.

2. Build your site with content

To drive a lot of traffic to the website you have to build content on your website. Rich content and helpful topics will convince your visitors to proceed to the product through your links. You need content and it must be excellent to win over competitors. Try to contribute one article one day. Certainly before that you should learn enough about your product, and ask your Account Manager for advices or samples.

3. Working with specialists

The SEO work can done on your own or by a specialist you hire. Hiring a SEO specialist will save your time to focus on the primary task-content. You can even hire writers to do the content drafting job. So you can spend your time on manage more offers rather than devoting your time on only one.

Besides SEO specialists and article writers, you should communicate with your Account Manager for professional advices because they know the products and may provide valuable information that you can not find outside the affiliate program.

4. Always, be passionate, be self-motivated

This is the key to success for everything not only for affiliate marketing. It is a long long way and passion is the guiding light. Try to express your passion in your articles in a way.


How To Use Sub ID When Promote Qpidaffiliate.com Offers?

Some of our affiliates might use more than one website, or banners placement when promoting our offers. In this case, if you would like to have a better overview of your traffic sources, we would advice you to start using Sub ID function. This is quite simple, here let's take some example:

For those affiliates would use a 'javascript' code:

Enter a parameter in the 'Optional Sub ID' text box, in this way, you get a correspondence code in the script box. Use the code generated when promoting, you tag your traffic source.

For those affiliates would use a click link:

All your affiliate click links looks like:


Just add value and parameter as:


Replace the {parameteryoulike} to characters no longer than 10.

The data will be shown in your reports (Sales Report Detailed and Lead Report Detailed):

Find The Overall Trend With The Qpid Affiliate Summary Chart

Here we would like to introduce a useful feature of our report system-the summary part.

Want to see how your campaign is performing? You can find it with the Summary Chart. It displays data metrics on a single chart. By checking many metrics at once with this chart and their correlations, you can monitor the health of your campaign in a quick way. The Summary Chart is in the Summary section under the Reports tab.

You can select 1-3 metrics at a time with the Show filter button on the top. The chart displays data of a site or all sites so you can check the health of each offer quickly. The time range can be dated back to the last 7 days, last 30 days and last 12 months so you can see the overall trend of the performance.

Below the chart is a summary report showing actual numbers of the chart. You can easy find which creative perform better in the selected period. This section is for a quick view, for detailed data or to make analysis with your campaign, you can get more in the detailed reports.


How To Apply a Dating Channel To Earn Some Hot Money

It had been almost a month since QpidAffiliate.com launched its Dating Channel program. We had received many applications from affiliates, and we are glad that people enjoy using this program to create their own dating channel page . But at the same time, some affiliates have questions on the procedure to use this program. Therefore we decided to introduce the program again with flow chart for easy understanding.

Step One: You need to go to the application page and submit some necessary information, including tell us which one of our dating site you would like to promote, upload your website logo and fill in your site URL and channel URL as shown below. When finished this, press the ‘Submit' button, and we will create a dating channel page for you automatically.

Step Two: After submitting the above information, you will receive a note from us, it contains two crucial information of your dating channel, the Channel ID and the appointed address you should link your website to. the Channel ID is for your easy management. And linking your website to the appointed address is a must if you want to earn commission and receive back link traffic from us.

Step Three: The application is almost finished, however this step is the most important. Back to your website and set up the linking to the appointed address. The method for setting up the link is various, it depends on what kind of website builder you are using, if you are having any troubles on linking to the appointed address, please contact us directly.

Step Four: After finished the above steps, the dating channel will start working, and we can track down every clicks and registrations come from you. Also, you can edit the information in ‘Manage My Channel' section, such as changing your Channel URL, but please remember to click ‘Check' every time your change your Channel URL to see if you have properly link to the appointed address.

Hope the above instruction will be helpful for you.


Why SEO is Worth Your Time For Affiliate Marketing

Make Your SEO Strategy

- It saves cost with the results, compared to paid advertising

Organic traffic is essentially free. You don't need to pay for the clicks and top positions which will be costly in other sites than Google. You need to invest your time and some tricks. With efforts paid, you will see how your site are getting consistent traffic.

- Impressive increase in traffic

You will see a definite increase in traffic with in reports. Once your SEO marketing is begun, normally the traffic will also start to increase in a steady way. We seldom get the result immediately but mostly it is rather quick enough.

- Better ROI than media buy (maybe)

Buying media is always making the cost budget first and wait for the later revenue and it never guarantees the conversion rate. And paid advertising will sometimes fix your ad in a specific position so only there's a limited of group of visitors will be shown to. While with SEO, you will be available to make your site appears in the top of the search result pages in front of more possible visitors. Certainly SEO is not always doing better than paid advertising if you can find the right site with a creative strategy.

- It can be permanent with the results

Unlike paid advertising, the affects of SEO are permanent. It won't be suddenly stopped if you stop paying for them. However it is for sure you have to keep spending time to keep a good rank but ranking management costs less time than in the first steps of SEO and you can move along with other keywords or sites with the rest of your time.

Starting SEO Marketing

- Find your long tail keywords

Long tail keywords are the longer, more specific keywords compared to "head terms", which are more popular and common. For example, "Asian dating" is a head term while "old man dating Chinese girls" is a long tail keyword. Head term is too general for search results and too competitive. Considering that most of people finally find the site they exactly want with other longer keywords, the organic search traffic is indeed driven by a huge amount of long tail keywords. So find untapped but useful long tail keywords for yourself now!

- Where to place your keywords

Search engine bots will crawl over your site and find keywords describing your sites. You can put your keywords in the body, title and meta tags of HTML documents. Remember, do not place too many keywords in a single page or it is regarded as a kind of cheats in bots' eyes.

- Build backlinks for traffic and keywords

Apart from analysing keywords on your site, search engine bots will also collect how other sites describe yours. That's why we will have to build backlink keywords-to link your site with a keyword as the anchor text. And directory site is a wise choice for building backlinks. A directory with existing relevant sites is recommended. Generally submission is free but sometimes it requires a reciprocal link. QpidAffiliate's directory is a wise choice for sites related to dating or affiliate marketing.

SEO and Affiliate Marketing

So, SEO costs your time, then how to get profits back? The answer is affiliate marketing. The goal of affiliate programs can be yours with SEO. So convert the SEO traffic into leads or sales and that's where the money lies.

- Choose an affiliate program

You may have learnt that there are many affiliates doing with B2C programs but think how competitive it is for today and less profitable than years ago, you have to find another industry. Online dating affiliate program is the blue ocean for new affiliate marketers. Finding a life partner is not like daily consuming, it is a real need and deeply wanted for many people. And your task is to find them in searching and guide them in the dating sites. And it is good for you to know that the senior and international dating market is growing rapidly and with a lot of potentials so that is the what you should work with.

 - CPL or CPS?

When comes to convert traffic, it is for sure to choose the programs with high offers. With CPS program from QpidAffiliate.com, you will be able to earn up to $122 from your referred order. More than this, if none of your referred leads pay, it is OK, the valid members will still be counted as commissions for you. Lower risk for higher revenue. And there is a creative team providing professional advices for our SEO marketing. That's just your choice.

Still not an affiliate with QpidAffiliate yet? Join now!


How to: Hide Your Affiliate Link With Redirects Using Wordpress

What is an Affiliate Link?

In affiliate programs, it's a special URL that contains username or username of the affiliate and is used by the advertiser to track all traffic the affiliate sends to the advertiser's site as a part of the affiliate program. So it is with QpidAffiliate’s Affiliate Link. There are three different direct links with its member sites, ChnLove, CharmingDate and iDateAsia, respectively.

Why choose to hide your Affiliate Link?

    - It looks friendlier

Most affiliate links cannot be seen through what’s inside through the text of the URL. Instead of posting your affiliate link, you can also create a PHP page that automatically redirects to your affiliate link. Then you can send the address of this redirect page on your site to whom you intent to guide them through the affiliate link. So it’s friendlier to for a URL like


to be redirected with


Then you may put such an address inside emails/newsletters and it will look much more attractive to your readers.

    - Easy managing your external links

Setting up redirects for all your affiliate links will save lots of work if the merchant ever changes their affiliate network or affiliate link system. If that happens, all you need to do is to change the link in just one place instead of checking all your web pages and email templates to update the links. 

How to create redirects of Affiliate Link?

Redirects can be accomplished in a variety of ways, but as this blog focuses on self-hosted WordPress, I will be going over an easy way to do this using a PHP redirect.  Here are the steps I took when I hid my affiliate links for this website:

The are more than one way to build redirects.I will introduce one as using self-hosted Wordpress with PHP redirect as it is an easy way to do this. So here it is how to hide your affiliate link,

Step 1. Create a folder, let's name it "go";

Step 2. Create a .php document-you can create it with Notepad or other programs, and name it after your affiliate link, let's make it "ChnLove.com.php";

Step 3. Copy the following code and paste it into the documnet:

<? header("Location: https://www.qpidaffiliate.com/index.php/promote/click?aid=80&oid=EXAMPLE"); ?>

Step 4. Save it to the "go" folder as created above;

Step 5. Go to your FTP server and upload the "go" folder under the public_html folder;

Step 6. Repeat creating and uploading as above if you have more affiliate links.

Then you can get a redirect link like


Remember that the "go" folder can be named as whatever you prefer to. As for the first example, it is uploaded to a folder called "date-sites" instead of in the root folder.

Besides the above method, some publishing platform like wordpress, also offers some plugins which could accomplish the 'link cloaking ' target. Searching with key words like 'link cloaking' or 'link cloaker', you will be easy to find them.


- More questions about this? Please contact QpidAffiliate Support Team and leave your account ID and email;
- No account with the best dating affiliate program yet? Please sign up here.


Rich media advertising materials carry out an exicting result

Firstly, I would like to share 2 index diagrams of Bryan's last 5 months' performance account. Bryan is one of QpidAffiliate.com's affiliates who has signed up for the 1,000 bonus program.

What can you find from his report? Bryan has successfully been referring more traffic and what's more important is that he converts the traffic into valid members in a more effective way.

What happened to him on last December? Please continue to read if you want to find the answer.

Banner advertising? We can do more 


For a long time, image banners are the mostly familiar to affiliate marketing publishers since it is almost the easiest way of promotion. There are many good features of them:

- Supported on every website
- Animated ones can attract attentions
- Visual impression
- Easy to be embed everywhere
- Designing and making is possible for beginners

But they are not perfect, image banner is a basic element of advertising and some advanced featured cannot be applied on like,

- It is simply a displaying tool
- It is can only attached with one certain link
- It can only be stuck in a certain place
- If people hate advertisements, image banners are easily ignored
- It maybe filtered by some tools

Thanks to the developing of the HTML standard and a diversification of audience's taste, more rich and interactive content are introduced into banner advertising. 

HTML banner

QpidAffiliate.com turns some pieces of HTML codes to effective advertising materials and it's call "HTML banner". We can add functions to a banner now like instant searching and easy registration.

Banner for more devices

According to researchers, mobile devices contribute nearly 20% of the Internet traffic and it will grow to a bigger percentage. With Qpid Network's mobile international dating websites releasing, QpidAffiliate.com's affiliates are able to make use of their mobile traffic now. You can find mobile banners compatible with all mobile devices and redirect to the mobile sites.

Or if your visitors love vivid content on your websites, you can use flashes.

Written-ready articles

There were webmasters coming to ask for materials to fill their new websites. Then article materials help. We can help save some time setting up a website,the sooner you start with a promotion plan the more you earn.

How Bryan levels up the performance?

The answer has been explained as above. Bryan signed up the bonus program on 18th, Dec, 2012 and published more materials from QpidAffiliate.com (two of them are 20121023CHL759 and 20121023IDA482) and the unique hits rise. And the new materials performs better than the ordinary image banners in a way so we are exited to see the conversion rate been rises up to a new level. That makes the excellent diagrams we saw just know.

So if you are interested in the bonus program and regretful to miss it, it is OK, because Bryan has shown us that with more expositions and powerful materials, you can realize your online affiliate marketing dream, too!

If you are not an affiliate of QpidAffiliate.com yet, join us now!


Limited time left: act to win $1,000 bonus today

Seeking hard for an affiliate program of international dating niche? A good news for profit hunters in online marketing is here! Earn high commissions and astonishing bonus with Qpid Network Affiliate Program today!

QpidAffiliate.com is hosting an bonus program which is open to all affiliates: by promoting its member sites with  latest developed and powerful promotional materials, Qpid Network will reward you with a bonus:

TOP bonus … $1,000
Splendid bonus … $200
Bonus for efforts … $50
Bonus for contribution … $25
Bravery bonus … $15

The application to the bonus program is about to close on 23:59, 28th, February, 2013!

After signing up the bonus program, a profiting mode of "original commissions+extra bonus" is activated for you. As for commissions, the payout of QpidAffiliate.com can be:

$5 per valid member
30% of the orders of your referred members

You can never find another affiliate program with such a high payout and with powerful promotional tools! Do not hesitate, sign up and be successful with the best online international dating affiliate program now!


Expose Content to Target Audience With Geo Targeting Scripts

Join the Most Lucrative Affiliate Site at QpidAffiliate.com

Recently I have received a message from a partner of Qpid Afiliate Program and asking for advice. His problem could be described like this.

Nick, the partner who has joined Qpid Affiliate Program for over 3 months, is running a website containing  a big category of photos and articles and receiving massive traffic from countries all over the world. He writes dating advice as well as life tips and reviews of movie and music. The variety of his reader contribute a  good earning for him but there's a problem: many visitors who are from Asian countries also tend to click the ChnLove banners. But since these members are not from one of the specific countries listed in the valid member condition, Nick earns nothing from that. He also registered in other affiliate programs and he is disappointed with that once the visitor bounces out he is not likely return to try other products listed on Nick's websites.

So how to solve the problem- keep exposing Qpid banners to the targeting audience and make use of the traffic does not meet Qpid Network's requirement?

The answer to Nick's case is geo targeting.

I asked Nick to install geo targeting scripts in all the webpages and set such conditions:

(1) when the visitor is detected as from one of those countries, he will see 2-3 ads from Qpid Affiliate in every page.

(2) when the visitor is from a country not listed above, it's OK to hide our banners and leave the space for other ads.

After the scripts are done, we follow up his account statistics and make records. The result is quite satisfying: he sees an apparent rise in conversions in the next month because our ads are getting exposed more frequently and this also help to increase his income from other programs.

So what is geo targeting?

As Wikipedia defines that, Geo targeting in geomarketing and internet marketing is the method of determining the geolocation of a website visitor and delivering different content to that visitor based on his or her location, such as country, IP address, ISP or other criteria.

The task is to implement a way to target those available countries as required.

Hostip is a good tool and pretty simple to use, all you have to do is make a connection to a API url with the IP address you wish to locate and it can return information like the country the IP address – here is a sample URL:


As you can see it returns “US” which is the 2 character country code for the United States. We can implement this into PHP to get the current visitors country by using this code:

$ip = $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ];
$country = file_get_contents ( 'http://api.hostip.info/country.php?ip=' . $ip );

 will now hold the country code (remember it is in UPPER CASE). You can 
then simply check what the value is and target an advert or particular 
content depending on the user:

if ( $country == "//here is your targeting country code" ) { 

[QpidAffiliate's Code];
<?php } ?>"
Replace with the exact country code and "[QpidAffiliate's Code]" with the js code, for example:

if ( $country == "GB" ) { 
 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.qpidaffiliate.com/index.php/promote/js?aid=xxx&oid=CPxxxxx"></script> 
<?php } ?>

Nick adds these country codes: US,NL,AT,AU,BE,CA,CH,DE,DK,ES,FI,FR,UK,IE,IS,IT,NO,NZ

External Requests

Please bare in mind that you are requesting information from an external source, depending on server health and traffic, the response may take from milliseconds to minutes to complete. So as a precaution you should “save” the result so that you do not have to keep requesting the information from hostip.info. Here is an example code that you could use:

if (!isset($_SESSION['country'])) {
$ip = $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ];
$_SESSION['country'] = file_get_contents ( 'http://api.hostip.info/country.php?ip=' . $ip );
You can now access the value from $_SESSION['country'], once this has been set it will no longer ask the external source saving them bandwidth and you loading time.Applying it with "QpidAffiliate's Links & Code"

if ( $_SESSION['country'] == "//targeting countries" ) {
 [QpidAffiliate's code]
<?php } ?>


Nick's story is a good case for us to learn something about affiliate marketing, so you can give it a try if you are facing similar problems.

Also, please note that this article is to share a particular marketer's story than providing a common solution.It is suggested to contact your affiliate manager for personalized advices.